Digital Issue: 2009 Writing Basics
This special newsstand-only issue is now available for download! Get Insipred and Start Writing NOW!
Ideas, tips and more on living the writing life. o Make Microsoft Word Work for You o Carry a Camera o Back Up Your Work for Free o Money in Mobisode Writing o November is National Novel Writing Month o Putting the "Pro" in Profanity 10 Baby Steps
Stop obsessing about writing a book. Instead, spend 15 minutes writing one page, five times a week for a year.
by Bill O'Hanlon
From Start to Finish
Here's how to roll up your sleeves and pound out that novel-from blueprint to "the end."
by Jon Robertson
What Type of Book Are You Writing?
Do you have an idea for a novel but you aren't sure where it falls on the literary spectrum? Let us help. Here's an in-depth breakdown of some of your favorite fiction genres.
By Michael J. Vaughn
Publish Your First Book After 50
Who says publishing is a young person's game? Here are an agent's tips for writing and publishing later in life.
By Scott Hoffman
How to Cure Writer's Block
Stuck in a rut? Read our irreverent guide to getting creative again.
by Terry Bisson
Rough Up Your First Draft
Get messy with your first draft to get to the good stuff.
by Elizabeth Sims
52 Writing Prompts
Need some writing inspiration? Begin each week with one of these story starters, guaranteed to exercise your muse.
By Brian A. Klems
Say Goodbye to Boring Sentences
Forget your grammar and instead focus on style.
by Bonnie Trenga
Apostrophes 101
Let grammar expert Bonnie Trenga help you learn how to master the most misused punctuation.
by Bonnie Trenga
Your Biggest Writing Questions Answered
Writer's Digest columnist Brian A. Klems answers some of your most pressing grammatical, ethical, business and other writing-related questions. Check out his advice-your writing career will thank you.
by Brian A. Klems
Novel Query Letter Basics
Abide by these dos and don'ts to write the perfect query letter.
by Wendy Burt-Thomas
Red Flags for Writers
From "great clip" to "startup," be on guard for these buzzwords.
by Linda Formichelli
Can Writing for Free Pay Off?
Wired magazine Editor-in-Chief Chris Anderson thinks you should consider giving your book away. Here's why.
by Jordan E. Rosenfeld
The Anatomy of a Writer's Website
Whether you build it yourself or hire a designer, your website can do much more than bring you into the 21st century-it can be an invaluable part of your marketing arsenal.
by Linda Formichelli
Don't Be a High Maintenance Author
Nobody likes dealing with excess baggage-especially agents and editors. Here are 18 tips that will endear you to those who can help publish your work.
by Mary E. DeMuth
Labor or Leisure?
You can never really tell when a writer is working.
by Lauren Kessler
Ideas, tips and more on living the writing life. o Make Microsoft Word Work for You o Carry a Camera o Back Up Your Work for Free o Money in Mobisode Writing o November is National Novel Writing Month o Putting the "Pro" in Profanity 10 Baby Steps
Stop obsessing about writing a book. Instead, spend 15 minutes writing one page, five times a week for a year.
by Bill O'Hanlon
From Start to Finish
Here's how to roll up your sleeves and pound out that novel-from blueprint to "the end."
by Jon Robertson
What Type of Book Are You Writing?
Do you have an idea for a novel but you aren't sure where it falls on the literary spectrum? Let us help. Here's an in-depth breakdown of some of your favorite fiction genres.
By Michael J. Vaughn
Publish Your First Book After 50
Who says publishing is a young person's game? Here are an agent's tips for writing and publishing later in life.
By Scott Hoffman
How to Cure Writer's Block
Stuck in a rut? Read our irreverent guide to getting creative again.
by Terry Bisson
Rough Up Your First Draft
Get messy with your first draft to get to the good stuff.
by Elizabeth Sims
52 Writing Prompts
Need some writing inspiration? Begin each week with one of these story starters, guaranteed to exercise your muse.
By Brian A. Klems
Say Goodbye to Boring Sentences
Forget your grammar and instead focus on style.
by Bonnie Trenga
Apostrophes 101
Let grammar expert Bonnie Trenga help you learn how to master the most misused punctuation.
by Bonnie Trenga
Your Biggest Writing Questions Answered
Writer's Digest columnist Brian A. Klems answers some of your most pressing grammatical, ethical, business and other writing-related questions. Check out his advice-your writing career will thank you.
by Brian A. Klems
Novel Query Letter Basics
Abide by these dos and don'ts to write the perfect query letter.
by Wendy Burt-Thomas
Red Flags for Writers
From "great clip" to "startup," be on guard for these buzzwords.
by Linda Formichelli
Can Writing for Free Pay Off?
Wired magazine Editor-in-Chief Chris Anderson thinks you should consider giving your book away. Here's why.
by Jordan E. Rosenfeld
The Anatomy of a Writer's Website
Whether you build it yourself or hire a designer, your website can do much more than bring you into the 21st century-it can be an invaluable part of your marketing arsenal.
by Linda Formichelli
Don't Be a High Maintenance Author
Nobody likes dealing with excess baggage-especially agents and editors. Here are 18 tips that will endear you to those who can help publish your work.
by Mary E. DeMuth
Labor or Leisure?
You can never really tell when a writer is working.
by Lauren Kessler