The Google+ Advantage: Writer's Digest Conference Session Video Download
Google+ is the fastest growing social media platform that exists in the Internet Universe. This new social network already has over 300 million active uses and this number is growing by leaps and bounds daily. Google+ has recently surpassed Twitter in the number of active users and is gaining on Facebook. This session will help you stay up-to-date on this powerful social media tool and learn:
- What Google+ is
- How to set up a Google+ Profile Page
- How to integrate Google+ Authorship in your Author Platform
- How to incorporate Google+ Author Rank
- What Circles and Communities mean in the Google+ world
- How to use Google+ Hangouts to promote your work
About the Presenter
Kiffer Brown is the President and Founder of Chanticleer Book Reviews. After completing Western Washington University's rigorous post-bachelor Professional Degree Program for Print and On-line Publishing, she was recruited to serve on the professional program's board of advisors. She is an active volunteer and serves on several boards of both non-profit and for-profit enterprises. She is president of Whatcom Writer's and Publishers Association as well as a founding member of Upstart Crows Writers Association, and a member of Romance Writers of America. She presents at writers' conferences and workshops across the country on social media, author marketing and promotion.