February 2014 Writer's Digest Digital Download
FEATURES: Publishing Now
What Writers Need to Know About the ebook Market
When it comes to a changing marketplace, knowledge is power. Here's a look at how digital books are changing as we know it,and what that means for you, your writing career, and the future of your work.
by Jeremy Greenfield
Best of Both Worlds
More and more writers are cultivating success through a combination of traditional and self-publishing. Here's how to grow a hearty career as a hybrid author.
by Chuck Wendig
10 Top Publishing Insiders (& Outsiders) to Follow Online
Look to these sources as you move toward your writing goals, and you'll stay current with the most concentrated dose of publishing wisdom you could ever hope to find.
by Jane Friedman
The WD Interview: Catherine Coulter
She can pull readers' heartstrings with her romance novels and make their blood run cold with her FBI thrillers. Meet the prolific and versatile Catherine Coulter.
by Jessica Strawser
Between a Rock and a Hard Place
Readers can't resist turning pages when characters are facing tough choices. Use these 5 keys to weave moral dilemmas into your stories,and watch your fiction climb to new heights.
by Steven James
WRITER'S WORKBOOK: Outlining and Story Mapping
7 Steps to Creating a Flexible Outline for Any Story
by K.M. Weiland
Mapping Out Your Hero's Adventure
by Elizabeth Sims
Sizing Up Small Presses
Are you overlooking one of the most viable ways to get your work into print? Here's how small presses fit into the big picture
by Robert Lee Brewer
- Questions & Quandries: Subjects Joined by And
- Andrew McCarthy: Off the Beaten Path
- 5-Minute Memoir: A Little Scary in Some Parts
MEET THE AGENT: Lorin Rees, Reese Literary Agency
by Kara Gebhart Uhl
BREAKING IN: Debut Author Spotlight
by Chuck Sambuchino
FUNNY YOU SHOULD ASK: “Unprofessional" Agents; Posting Rough Drafts Online
by Barbara Poelle
YOUR STORY: First Things First, Contest #52
STANDOUT MARKETS: No Starch Press; Hemispheres; Five Points
by Tiffany Luckey
CONFERENCE SCENE: Maryland Writers'; 50 Shades Beyond Gray; Spring Fling
by Linda Formichelli
REJECT A HIT: The Old Man and the Sea
spoof-rejected by Edward Horn
5-Minute Memoir: The Art of Falling Without Hitting the Ground
An author uses his experiences in the Vietnam War to fuel his writing life.
by Robert B. Robeson