Writer's Digest March/April 2013 (PDF)
Get Personal With Your Writing
True Story
Your truth doesn't have to be stranger than fiction to be just as compelling. Here's how to borrow tools from fiction to pen a true-to-life memoir that reads like a page-turning novel.
by Elizabeth Sims
The Novelist's Guide to Writing What [Only] You Know
Transform personal experience into powerful fiction, and you'll tell stories like no one else can.
by Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni
Family History Meets Memoir
If you've been researching your family's history, but aren't sure where to go from there, take heart. These 5 techniques will help you use your findings to bring your family's story (and your own) to life on the page.
by Rebecca Mcclanahan
Go Organic
Are outlines and formulas polluting your writing? Cultivate more satisfying stories by mastering these 6 secrets of writing organically.
by Steven James
The WD Interview: Emily Giffin
Emily Giffin doesn't care if you call her books chick lit, women's fiction or the second coming of Jane Austen. Her career began with Something Borrowed, but her success is for keeps.
by Tiffany Luckey
Looking Onward and Upward
The winner of the WD Self-Published Book Awards refused to let the gatekeepers of the publishing industry stand in her way,she knew her story deserved to be told.
by Marielle Murphy
WRITER'S WORKBOOK: Developing Subplots
Adding Depth To Your Story Through Subplots
by Jessica Page Morrell
Building Subplots From Multiple Viewpoints
by Donald Maass
Using Subplots To Enhance Subtext
by Larry Brooks
Playing Politics
Do your political opinions have a place in your fiction? Here's how to be poignant without polarizing.
by Mari Passananti
- 5-Minute Memoir: At the Feet of America's Oldest Working Writer
- Title Trauma
- Poetic Asides: Glosa
- Questions & Quandaries: Perplexing Pluralizations
- Rejection Letter Bingo
MEET THE AGENT: Holly Bemiss, The Susan Rabiner Literary Agency
by Kara Gebhart Uhl
BREAKING IN: Debut Author Spotlight
by Chuck Sambuchino
FUNNY YOU SHOULD ASK: Word Limits; “Smutty" Language; Kid Talk
by Barbara Poelle
YOUR STORY: First Things First, Contest #45
STANDOUT MARKETS: Bancroft Press; Alaska Quarterly Review; Family Circle
by Tiffany Luckey
CONFERENCE SCENE: Pennwriters; The Muse & The Marketplace; Dallas–Fort Worth Writers
by Linda Formichelli
REJECT A HIT: Great Expectations
Spoof-Rejected by Amy Marincik