2nd Draft Critique Service: 1 Page Query Letter
You'll Love This Critique Service If:
- You have a completed manuscript or book proposal ready
- Your query letter needs improvement but you're unsure how to revise
- You want professional and specific feedback
Are you done writing and revising your manuscript or nonfiction book proposal? Then you're ready to write a query letter. In order to ensure you make the best impression on literary agents and acquisitions editors, we recommend getting a 2nd Draft Query Letter Critique.
Whether you are an experienced writer looking to improve the elements within your query letter or a new writer looking for pointers on how to write a query letter, our 2nd Draft Query Letter Critique Service provides the advice and feedback you need to improve your query letter.
Our 2nd Draft critique editors will evaluate your one-page query letter overall but also focus on your query's opening, biographical info, logline, hook, referral information, and closing. They will also point out (but not correct) any consistent problems your query letter may have with grammar, mechanics, spelling, or style. Still have questions? See a sample query letter critique.
Make sure that your query letter is flawless and pitch-perfect before you send it to literary agents, publishers, or acquisitions editors. Get a 2nd Draft Query Letter Critique today!
What Writers Are Saying About This Service
"I am so grateful that I came across this critique service! I did not know what to expect when I sent my query letter, but was extremely pleased with the response that I received. Jack Adler was selected to critique my query letter for a nonfiction book proposal. He gave me valuable feedback on the content of my letter as well as encouragement that helped pull me over a small slump I was in. After having friends, family and old college professors read my query letter, Jack's feedback was exactly what I needed. I was also very pleased with the turnaround time. I received a response within just a few days. I definitely recommend this service to anyone who is looking for input from a published writer. It is well worth the money!" Molly
"We found your comments and critique very helpful. You saw the message we were trying to get across and made everything so concise, it flows so much better now. We'll definitely be going forward with your suggestions, and will be using your service again for our synopsis. Thank you!" Jameson
Have Questions? Find Answers Here
Our Critique Editors Will Not:
- Rewrite or revise for you, except in the case of providing an example of how to revise on your own.
- Correct grammar, mechanics and spelling. Our 2nd Draft Proofreading service does this for you.) However, a reviewer will point out any patterns of surface-level error that may pose a significant problem for you.
- Check and correct for style (e.g., Chicago Manual of Style or AP style). This requires a professional copyeditor or proofreader.
- Provide any fact-checking.
- Provide answers or advice on legal issues.
How Long Your Query Should Be
2nd Draft critique service for query letters is designed to review 1-page query letters formatted to the specifications below. (2nd Draft Critique Service is also available for manuscript reviews, and synopsis reviews.)
Our Formatting Requirements
All documents must be submitted electronically in ONE of the following formats:
- Word document (.doc or .docx)
- Rich Text File (.rtf)
All documents MUST adhere to the professional manuscript formatting standards, which are:
- 8.5 x 11 page size
- Single-spacing throughout in blocked paragraphs
- 1-inch margins on top and bottom
- 1.25-inch margins on left and right sides
- Arial, Courier, or Times font
- 12-point font size
*If your submission does not meet these formatting requirements, we will either return the document to you for correction, or we will apply these settings ourselves when possible, and only critique the first page of the query letter.
There are no refunds for this service. No discounts apply.