The First 5 Minutes: How Editors Evaluate Your Manuscript - OnDemand Webinar
Writer's Digest November/December 2009 (PDF)
Writer's Digest October 2009 (PDF)
Writer's Digest September 2009 (PDF)
Crafting & Selling Your Picture Book OnDemand Webinar
Critique Series: Your Very First Page (Novel & Memoir) OnDemand Webinar
How to Write Your Lifestory or Memoir: Exploring Truth, Memory, and Craft OnDemand Webinar
How to Write and Sell Fantasy and Science Fiction Novels OnDemand Webinar
The Plot Thickens: An Agents Tips on Story Structures That Sell OnDemand Webinar
Middle Grade and Young Adult Craft Intensive: Telling Kidlit Stories in Today's Market OnDemand Webinar
How To Write Dialogue Like A Pro OnDemand Webinar
How to Plot and Structure Your Novel OnDemand Webinar
Writing Science Fiction, Fantasy and Paranormal OnDemand Webinar
Digital Issue: Writer's Digest Write Your Novel in 30 Days
How to Write a Dynamite Mystery or Thriller That Sells: Learn to Charge & Plot Your Fiction Like a Pro OnDemand Webinar
Digital Issue: Writing Basics
Writer's Digest January 2012 (PDF)
Writer's Digest May/June 2011 (PDF)
Writer's Digest March/April 2011(PDF)
How to Write a Dynamite Mystery or Thriller That Sells OnDemand Webinar
The First 50 Pages: 2012 Writer's Digest Conference Session
Kidlit Craft and Trends: 2012 Writer's Digest Conference Session
Making Good Ideas Great: 2012 Writer's Digest Conference Session
Writing and Selling Your Memoir: 2012 Writer's Digest Conference Session