150 Ways to Make Your Book Successful - Part 1
150 Ways to Make Your Book Successful – Part 1
The most expensive part of publishing is a mistake. If you can avoid the most common traps into which unsuccessful authors fall, you significantly increase your chance of success. This is the first of three tutorials describing the 150 most important things you need to know about book marketing. The 50 tips featured in this tutorial focus on marketing tactics, as well as what you can do to organize a profitable publishing venture.
This tutorial is presented by Brian Jud, an experienced book-marketing consultant. He has helped thousands of authors and publishers steer clear of the most common mistakes that can doom any publishing venture.
In this 32-minute tutorial video, you'll discover:
- The pros and cons of various ways of getting published
- How to avoid the mistakes that all novice authors make
- 50 things you can do to make it more likely you will succeed
- Why book publishing is as simple as PIE
- How to succeed using other people's money
- The difference between working on your business vs. in your business,and how knowing the difference could be the critical aspect on your future
- The nine guidelines for acting in a professionally, productively, and profitably
You may be on the right path to publishing success, but heading in the wrong direction. This tutorial will be your GPS for becoming more profitable!