Writer's Digest April 2008 (PDF)
You'll Love This Digital Issue If:
- You want to write fiction
- You are writing a biography
- You want to know more about pop fiction author Laurell K. Hamilton
No matter if you have a favorite genre or not, in this issue of Writer's Digest, you'll learn how to give the reading audience what they want: a good story. Read an interview with author Laurell K. Hamilton, who discusses writing vampire slayer stories. Check out our genre-fiction tree, which visually shows the various sub-genres of the five essential pop-fiction genres: mystery/crime, romance, horror, thriller/suspense and science fiction/fantasy.
Plus, learn how to get a book published after age 50, and tips for writing a biography - from research to writing. Download the April 2008 issue today!
In This Issue You'll Learn:
- How to write a biography
- The bestselling books in pop fiction today
- Tips from a literary agent on publishing a book after age 50
What's Inside This Issue:
The Popular Fiction Reportby Michael J. Vaughn
What's hot in mystery/crime, romance, horror, thriller/suspense and science fiction/fantasy? Find out in our comprehensive genre-by-genre market report. PLUS: Essays from bestselling novelists Debbie Macomber, Ramsey Campbell, Ridley Pearson and Terry Brooks.
The WD Interview: Laurell K. Hamilton
by Maria Schneider
With two series that defy categorizing, this popular-fiction author has forged a hugely successful writing career by going her own way.
Acting Up
by Jordan E. Rosenfeld
After a Hollywood career, Harley Jane Kozak, author of Dating Dead Men, took the lessons of the screen with her to build a behind-the-scenes career as a mystery novelist.
by Scott Hoffman
Who says publishing is a young person's game? Here are an agent's tips for writing and publishing well into your golden years.
Writing Another Life
by Marion Elizabeth Rodgers
The biographer's task can be overwhelming. Here's how one biographer learned to breathe new life into her subject.
Seeing Green
by Margaret Russo
Author Norma Lehmeier Hartie's independent spirit and environmental streak create a winning book and take home the grand prize in the Writer's Digest International Self-Published Book Awards. PLUS: A complete listing of first-place winners and honorable mentions.
Questions & Quandaries
by Brian A. Klems
Formatting tips, interview advice and a prologue primer.
On the Edge: Religious Wars
by Kara Gebhart Uhl
A battle of faith fought on bookshelves and bestseller lists.
The Sentence Sleuth: In Search of Lost Readers
by Bonnie Trenga
Bring them back with sentences that are the perfect length.
First Impressions: Hospital Drama
by Jordan E. Rosenfeld
A doctor-turned-novelist pens a new medical series for the "Grey's Anatomy" set. PLUS: More notable debuts.
This Writer's Life: No Longer So Awkward
by Kevin Alexander
He thought his first attempt at a memoir was a masterpiece. One MFA later, he's embarrassed to admit he wrote that.
Ask the Pro: Revamping an Icon
by Jordan E. Rosenfeld
Philip Gourevitch took over the reins of The Paris Review from George Plimpton and has won a new audience.
Your Story: The Oldest One
by Tess Whitehurst
The winning entry of contest #9. PLUS: Contest #11 prompt.
The Conference Scene: New York Round Table Writers' Conference
by Linda Formichelli
Focus on the business of writing. PLUS: More great writing conferences.
Postscript: Evolution
by Brock Clarke
Grow your writing through reading.
InkWell: Fresh Ideas, tips, news and inspiration for living the writing life
- The Long and the Shorts of Amazon
- Save Your Rejections
- Back Up Your Work for Free
- 2008 BEA/Writer's Digest Books Writers' Conference
- Pawns, Rooks, Queens and … Mark Twain?
- The Roeder Report
- Fiction: attributive clauses
- Nonfiction: personal essays
- Poetry: concrete poetry
- Marketing: platforms
PLEASE NOTE: This is a large file that is best downloaded with a broadband connection, such as DSL or a cable modem.