How to Structure a Great Horror Film: Amp Up The Shocks OnDemand Webinar
The principles behind the success of NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD -- and behind every successful horror screenplay and movie -- can be taught. This webinar, featuring NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD co-author, John Russo, will show you how to build a winning horror film from the ground up. He will teach you to preserve the originality of your horror film concept while simultaneously building a complex story. Using theme, character, and plot together, you will discover how to deliver the unexpected thrills an audience craves.
Many famous and/or aspiring filmmakers credit John Russo with inspiring them or helping to launch their careers. That includes Quentin Tarantino who said, "I made a movie I didn't finish. Then I read [John Russo's] books, took notes and made charts, and that's what guided me toward my first finished movie."
John has written 22 books and made 20 feature movies. His books on moviemaking are known as Bibles of Independent Filmmaking. Let John teach you how to make an incredible horror film and jump-start your own career!
- How to elevate your horror screenplay by dealing with an important theme
- How to use that theme to develop characters who can drive it forward
- How to use the personalities and motives of your characters to come up with a powerful horror movie plot
- How to make your plot move in an intriguing, hard-hitting way
- How to scare your audience and deliver the thrills they crave by not insulting their intelligence
- How to keep your ideas and concepts original and unique
- Writers who want to learn more about the plot structure that creates a successful horror movie
- Writers who are thinking about writing a horror movie screenplay
- Writers who want to revise their existing horror movie screenplay
- People who have a good idea for a horror movie and need to be pointed in the right direction
- Writers who want to hone and develop their screenwriting skills
- Writers who want to learn something from someone who has been doing it successfully for many years