How to Write a Beautiful Publishable First Person Essay That Can Change Your Career and Life
While Susan Shapiro promises her students that three pages can change their life, they often have no idea what topic to write a first-person essay about, what tone to use, or how to tell a true life story that happened to them in the past in a way that will engage editors and readers. In this exciting talk, she’ll offer the popular short nonfiction assignment she's given her classes over 25 years that has led to the most prestigious, successful publications--many that even led to books.
Susan Shapiro, an award-winning journalist and writing professor, freelances for the New York Times, WSJ, Washington Post, Elle, Wired, Oprah, and the New Yorker magazines online. She's the bestselling author/coauthor of 18 books her family hates including the NYT bestseller Unhooked, the Random House debut memoir Five Men Who Broke My Heart (recently optioned by Alyssa Milano), and American Shield coming out from Counterpoint in November.