Navigating the Author-Editor Relationship OnDemand Webinar
The collaboration between an author and an editor is definitely one of the key relationships in any author's career, but one that no one really tells you much about. What can an author expect from an editor and what should an editor expect from an author?
Philip Athans is both an editor and an author, and has seen this relationship work-and not work-from both sides. With the concept of “informed consent" at the heart of everything we'll see how the best editors are really teachers, mentors who can help not just make this one book better, but make you a better writer for your next book.
In this 68-minute tutorial video, both authors and editors alike will gain valuable insight into this mysterious but vital relationship, covering:
- What does and editor actually do?
- Finding the balance between art (subjective) and craft (objective)
- How the medical profession's concept of informed consent applies
- The difference between intent and accident, advice and command
- Positive editorial habits
- Positive authorial habits
Don't go blindly into the most important relationship of any author's professional life!