Writing in Short Forms
This presentation covers two short forms: the hay(na)ku and the curtal sonnet ("curtal" is an archaic word for short!). Poet, editor, and teacher Vince Gotera presents the history of the two forms, one unrhymed and the other rhymed, shows some examples, and then discusses how to write in these forms.
Vince Gotera teaches at the University of Northern Iowa, where he was Editor of the North American Review (2000-2016). He is also former Editor of Star*Line, the print journal of the international Science Fiction and Fantasy Poetry Association (2017-2020). His poetry collections include Dragonfly, Ghost Wars, Fighting Kite, The Coolest Month. and the upcoming Pacific Crossing. Recent poems in Altered Reality Magazine, The Ekphrastic Review, failed haiku, The MacGuffin, Philippines Graphic (Philippines), Rosebud, The Wild Word (Germany), Yellow Medicine Review, and the anthologies Multiverse (UK), Dear America, and Hay(na)ku 15. He blogs at The Man with the Blue Guitar (http://vincegotera.blogspot.com).