Breaking into Hollywood A.S.A.P. OnDemand Webinar
Playwriting for Movie and TV Writers OnDemand Webinar
How to Ace a Meeting with an Executive, Producer, or Agent OnDemand Webinar
Writing for Animation: The Insider's Guide to the Art and Craft OnDemand Webinar
Don't Write a Script that Sucks: Avoid the Top 25 Mistakes Readers Hate OnDemand Webinar
Creating the Killer Comic Premise OnDemand Webinar
Sitcom Structure: How to Write for Network TV OnDemand Webinar
10 Steps to a Bulletproof Story Outline OnDemand Webinar
Packaging Your Baby for Hollywood OnDemand Webinar
The Beats Of ALL Hit Movie Stories: Essential Moments Your Script Should Have OnDemand Webinar
How to Develop an Individualized Marketing Plan for Your Scripts OnDemand Webinar
Turn Your Script into a Novel OnDemand Webinar
The Top Reasons I Pass on a Script: How to Go from a Pass to a Recommend OnDemand Webinar
Writing For The Reader: How To Get Your Screenplay To Sell Itself OnDemand Webinar
Podcasting 101: Creating Your First Podcast OnDemand Webinar
The Art of Writing the Twist Ending OnDemand Webinar
Develop a Chilling Premise for Your Horror Screenplay OnDemand Webinar
Staying True to the Core Concept of Your Series OnDemand Webinar
Write Appealing Dystopia: Build a Frighteningly Realistic World OnDemand Webinar
Writing the Game Changing Contemporary Horror Screenplay OnDemand Webinar
Create Authentic Characters Using Your Personal Experiences OnDemand Webinar
Creating and Writing the Next Buzzworthy TV Show: Building the Perfect "Puzzle Box" Series OnDemand Webinar
Developing the High-Concept Screenplay OnDemand Webinar
Creating a TV Pilot That Goes Outside the Box OnDemand Webinar