How to Write a Beautiful Publishable First Person Essay That Can Change Your Career and Life
How to Write Great Characters for Great Stories
Humor Your Readers Can Visualize: How to Make Writing Funnier
Including Humor in Your Fiction
Inventing the Past: Making People and Places Resonate With Readers
Keeping the Promise: 10 Unwritten Promises Readers Expect You to Keep
Kick the Imposter to the Curb: The Benefits of Allowing Who You Are as a Writer to Reflect Who You Are as a Person
Kickstarting Your YA Novel
Laugh Yourself to Death: Mixing Humor With Darker Topics Like Murder and Suspense
Lessons Learned After a Decade of Writing Science Fiction and Fantasy
Master Pacing: How Secrets, Twists, and Foreshadowing Amp Things Up
Mastering Voice: Finding the Magic Mix of Style, POV & Character
Middle Grade 101: Everything You Need to Know to Write, Sell and Succeed
Mixed Media: How Music, Newspapers, and Art Can Spark and Structure Compelling Short Fiction
Nail Your Novel (or Memoir’s) Voice and Tone
Navigating Through The Real-Life Horrors Of The True Crime Genre
Navigating Young Adult Characters Through the Expectations of Family and Society
Novel Pacing: The Importance of Length, Depth, and Style
Novel Writing Bundle
Pour Me a Stiff One: Death Investigation Explained for Writers
Powerful Plotting
Propelling Narratives Forward: The Dynamics of Engaging Storytelling
Punch Them in the Face: Writing Realistic Martial Arts!
Put Your Side Characters to Work