Discover the 7 Biggest Mistakes in YA Fiction--and 28 Ways to Fix Them Video Download
Even experienced writers can make mistakes when crafting their YA (young adult)
short stories and novels. These gaffes are specific to the category of
literature for teenagers,from inserting too much introspection and
“adult" insight to chasing the latest trends. The good news:
learning to identify and fix these mistakes will strengthen your writing
overall. In this tutorial, you'll discover the 7 biggest mistakes in YA
fiction and 28 ways to fix these mistakes!
This tutorial is taught by Kerri Majors. Kerri is the founder and editor of YARN (Young Adult Review Network), the first and leading independent online literary journal of YA literature. YARN publishes short fiction, essays, and poetry by established and emerging YA writers, including teens, as well as an editors' blog, interviews, and lesson plans for teachers. Kerri is also a writer with an MFA from Columbia University. She has published short works in several journals, including Guernica and Poets and Writers. She is the author of This Is Not a Writing Manual: Notes for the Young Writer in the Real World (Writer's Digest Books, July 2013).
This tutorial is taught by Kerri Majors. Kerri is the founder and editor of YARN (Young Adult Review Network), the first and leading independent online literary journal of YA literature. YARN publishes short fiction, essays, and poetry by established and emerging YA writers, including teens, as well as an editors' blog, interviews, and lesson plans for teachers. Kerri is also a writer with an MFA from Columbia University. She has published short works in several journals, including Guernica and Poets and Writers. She is the author of This Is Not a Writing Manual: Notes for the Young Writer in the Real World (Writer's Digest Books, July 2013).
This 38-minute tutorial will strengthen your writing by teaching you how to:
- Avoid clichés like ‘the friendless teen' and instead, craft unique teen and parent characters that add texture to your narrative
- Create an authentically teen world
- Use action (rather than introspection) to move your story forward
- Explore realistic, complex drama versus putting forth a moral message
- Embrace your personal voice,and avoid the urge to chase trends
- Dig deep in order to solve narrative problems with character (instead of plot solutions)
- Bring your story to a satisfying end
This tutorial will provide you with craft- and process-focused tools . . . improve your YA fiction and make it stand out in this competitive marketplace!