Ask the Experts: Jon James Miller

Ask the Experts: Jon James Miller

  • $249.00
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Decoding Story

Jon James Miller, award-winning screenwriter and professional script reader, will help you identify the heart and soul of your story. Jon will also show you how to remove unnecessary exposition and story details that slow the read of your script down.

Schedule a call with Jon to take your script to the next level today! You’ll be speaking directly with Jon over Zoom for one hour. All time slots are in Eastern time.

Who will benefit:

  • Writers who want to use professional script analysis techniques to their advantage

  • Writers who want to engage the reader in unique and genre-defying ways

  • Anyone who wants to ensure their story is developed to the highest level

What you will learn:

  • The analytical story techniques to create a compelling narrative script structure

  • How to translate your writer’s voice into an engaging script experience

  • Create a visual language for your story using unusual visual motifs

  • How to engage and keep a reader guessing through the use of misdirection

  • How to structure your story to avoid common plot holes and gaps in film logic

  • How to ensure your story is relevant to a contemporary audience

Jon James Miller

Jon James Miller is a screenwriter and novelist. His first novel, Looking for Garbo, was adapted from his award-winning original screenplay and published by Amphorae Publishing Group in 2019. Jon also co-wrote Adapting Sideways: How to Turn Your Screenplay Into a Publishable Novel (Komenar Publishing, 2010). He is a frequent contributor on the craft of screenwriting for Script and Writer’s Digest Magazine. and

available to provide in-depth script coverage services via ScriptXpert at the Writers Store. Jon is represented by Jill Marr at Sandra Dijkstra Literary Agency.

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