Writing as a Business (and the Business of Writing)
It surprises many writers to learn that being a successful author is about so much more than writing books. In this session, New York Times bestselling author Dan Hampton explains the business of being an author, providing both the broad strokes as well as illuminating many of the finer points. You'll learn about:
- The myths and realities of being a writer: Abandon that image of the pipe, the cardigan, no schedule, no boss, and all the free time in the world. You may have an idea of what being a professional writer is like, but do you have a plan for when reality fails to live up to expectations?
- Query letters, agents and rights: Writing may not be systematic, but business is. Learn common pitfalls and how to avoid them.
- The post-publishing reality check: Get savvy about protection, incorporation, public relations, and intriguing opportunities you didn't know existed.