Creativity: What's the Big Idea?
Creativity: What's the Big Idea?
Millions of new titles are published every year. How can you stand out in this crowd? By producing creative products and marketing campaigns.
In this tutorial you will discover marketing's secret ingredient: innovation! You will learn a 7-step process to come up with imaginative,yet practical and proven,ways you can make your books pop off the shelves. You'll learn about mental blocks to creativity and strategies for breaking through those blocks. The tutorial ends by showing you ingenious tactics you can use today to market your fiction and non-fiction titles.
This tutorial is presented by Brian Jud, an innovative author and creative book-marketing consultant. He is President of Premium Book Company, a distributor of books into non-bookstore markets. He has helped thousands of authors and publishers steer clear of the most common mistakes that can doom any publishing venture.
In this 62-minute tutorial video, you'll discover:
- How to become an idea person (even if you never thought you were creative!)
- Fun ways to increase your sales
- Tips for becoming more innovative simply by asking questions
- One question to ask yourself that could change the entire direction of your business
- Where to find open markets that you can “own" quickly
- Proven steps you can take to be more creative
- How to stand out from the crowd of competitive titles marketed in the same, boring way
This tutorial will help you find new ways to reach more people with a meaningful and creative message,you'll gain positive attention, media buzz, and enjoy increased revenue. Learn new ways to build (and hold!) a leadership position in your target markets through innovative, professional, and effective marketing.