Writer's Yearbook 2013 (PDF)
Writer's Yearbook 2013
Prepare Yourself
2012: The Year in Review
Stay up to date on the latest news and trends in both markets,and how they could affect your writing in the year ahead.
by Linda Formichelli
A Freelancer's Workshop
Finding the Heart of a Story
Two-time Pulitzer Prize winner Gene Weingarten gives insight on writing, reporting and how, exactly, to capture the meaning of life.
by Marc D. Allan
All in the Timing
Find pitch-perfect hooks for articles on virtually any topic by targeting anniversaries.
by Don Vaughan
The Great E-Debate
Is it ever OK to conduct interviews via email? Here's what you need to know.
by Kristen Fischer
How to Pitch Freelance Articles
Use these simple tips to craft submissions that successfully land assignments.
by John Moir
10 Common Reasons Queries Are Rejected
When it comes time to pitch your next article idea, avoid these gaffes from the get-go and bypass the rejection pink slip.
by Kelly James-Enger
Build Your Book's Success
Query Success
A literary agent shares a real-life novel pitch that ultimately led to a book deal,and shows you how to successfully query your own work.
by Mary Kole
How to Submit Nonfiction Books
Use this checklist to compile a clear, effective book proposal and sell agents and editors on your concept.
by Fred Rosen
From Blog to Book
What if a single writing project could help you build your online platform and complete a book manuscript,at the same time? Here's how to leverage your blog into a book deal.
by Nina Amir
50 Simple Ways to Build Your Platform in 5 Minutes a Day
These days, getting your writing noticed is all up to you. Make the overwhelming task an easy one by taking it one step at a time.
by Christina Katz
Let's Make a Deal
Learn the ins and outs of negotiating a book contract so you can be your work's best advocate.
by Jane Choate
For Your Reference
101 Best Websites for Writers
Culled from more than 4,000 nominations from writers worldwide, this definitive roundup of the best online resources is a must-have guide for every writer.
by Brian A. Klems & Kristen Grace
The Top 100 Markets for Book & Magazine Writers
If you're finding it difficult to narrow down the perfect markets for your work, you're in luck. We've done the legwork for you. Here's our annual shortlist to simplify your search.
by Dylan Mccartney
5-Minute Memoir: An Audience of One
A bestselling author shares a powerful story of why every reader matters.
by Kris Radish