2022 Issue Bundle
To celebrate the end of 2022, we've rounded up all of our issues into one digital edition bundle! Featured interviews include bestselling authors Lisa Jewell, Marlon James, Kate Quinn, Silvia Moreno-Garcia, Tiffany D. Jackson, and Ian McEwan. Over the course of the year we've covered everything from finding new inspiration to making difficult choices in both your writing and your career. Look back on 2022 with us, and see how far we've come!
Writer's Digest January/February 2022 Digital Edition: A new year means a new opportunity to evaluate what’s working and what’s not. In this issue of Writer’s Digest, we offer advice and inspiration to set writers up for a successful year of writing no matter their goals. Whether it’s to finish writing their first book, improve their writing, find an agent, or learn to make better business decisions, this collection of articles will help writers find success in 2022. ($7.99 value)
Writer's Digest March/April 2022 Digital Edition: Point of view is one of the first things writers learn about creative writing, yet it’s also one of the hardest things to master. It involves at a minimum: choosing the right POV for your story, making sure you don’t break the guidelines of that POV and inadvertently take readers out of the narrative, but also experimenting with POV to better serve your story… It’s a lot to consider and in this issue, we explore it all. ($7.99 value)
Writer's Digest May/June 2022 Digital Edition: Writers are always looking for the next great thing to help them make their writing time more efficient, productive, and fun, and new advances in technology appear each year to help make that happen. It also helps spark the imagination of what kind of technology writers include in their writing. In the May/June 2022 issue of Writer’s Digest, featuring our 24th Annual 101 Best Websites for Writers, we focus on what technology can do for writers. ($7.99)
Writer's Digest July/August 2022 Digital Edition: Writers will inevitably hit a crossroads where they have to decide how to move forward, either in the drafting of a work-in-progress or in making choices about their career. Or, perhaps their work is at the intersection of two or more genres. This issue aims to help writers work through the tough parts of writing. ($7.99 value)
Writer's Digest September/October 2022 Digital Edition: As the nights start to get longer, the leaves start changing colors, and Halloween decorations start making their appearance, writers start turning to the darker, more haunting themes in their work. And so does Writer’s Digest in the September/October issue, themed around Sinister Stories. It covers everything from writing evil characters to writing horror microfiction to how to avoid scams that would turn one’s publishing life into a horror story. ($7.99 value)
Writer's Digest November/December 2022 Digital Edition: Writing “The End” on the final page of your story, memoir, or novel is something to celebrate. But how can you get there successfully and what happens next? This issue aims to answer all of those questions and more. ($7.99 value)