Writer's Workbook Fall 2013 PDF
Writer's Digest Yearbook presents:
Table of Contents:
Inviting Ideas
Searching for more inspiration or writing time, or both? Use these 4 techniques to be more creative than ever.
by Jack Heffron
Raising Your Voice
A strong voice gives writing a distinct quality. These secrets will help elevate yours so that your work can stand out.
by Don Fry
PLUS: Voice Worksheet
Conquer 35 Commonly Misused Words
Get your manuscript in submission shape by correcting these common errors.
by Nancy Ragno
Fearless Ways to Fill Your Creative Well
Great writing begins with an appetite for life. Try these 8 approaches to get out of your comfort zone, break rules and reap rewards.
by Elizabeth Sims
Customize Your Self-Editing Method
Use these 4 simple tricks to help you approach your revision with ease.
by Sage Cohen
Critique Your Way to Better Writing
If you've ever had mixed emotions about critique groups,as in, you want to get critiques, but wish you didn't have to spend so much time giving them,you're not alone.
by Becky Levine
PLUS: Critiquing Worksheets
Turn Your Concept in to a Great Story
Even stories that start with brilliant strokes of inspiration too often fizzle out before we reach The End. Use this 4-step method to develop your best ideas to their fullest.
by Elizabeth Sims
How to Write Organically
Are formulaic outlines restricting your writing? Use these 6 techniques of organic writing to develop more satisfying stories.
by Steven James
Main Introduction
Many writers give little thought on how to bring their protagonist onstage. These 6 keys will help you seamlessly introduce your main character, and hook readers from Page 1.
by Jordan E. Rosenfeld
Living the Language
Learn how to use dialect effectively to bring a genuine voice to your characters.
by Tom Chiarella
A Sense of Place
Setting is crucial to any story. Go beyond typical descriptions and bring your setting to life by treating it like a character.
by Donald Maas
PLUS: Setting Worksheet
10 Fast Hacks for Fiction Writers
Whether you're trying to set a scene, define a character or close a plot gap, these clever techniques get the job done fast.
by Elizabeth Sims
A Series of Fortunate Events
Creating a successful series can be daunting. But with the right combination of story elements, you can keep readers coming back for more.
by Karen S. Wiesner
PLUS: Series Development Worksheets
The Geyser Approach to Revision
Revising is a natural balance of creative eruptions and quiet analysis. Use this 5-step method to harness your story's power and channel its flow to create a finished piece that will make a splash.
by James Scott Bell
PLUS: Revision Worksheets
Lisa See: Searching for Untold Treasures
On her unpredictable path to success, Lisa See found that a literary life can be the best kind of adventure,and a book can hold much more than a good story.
by Jessica Strawser
Interviewing 101
The stories you write are only as good as the information you gather. These tips show you how to plan and conduct successful interviews.
by The Editors of Writer's Digest Books
Getting Personal
Personal writing might sometimes feel too private to publish,but documenting your low points can rocket your byline to the top.
by Susan Shapiro
Flavorful Food Writing
Use these 5 steps to transform any meal or day in the kitchen into a written experience that will leave readers hungry for more.
by Dianne Jacob
Faith-Based Freelancing
Christian markets offer big readerships and big opportunities,and the best part is, anyone can write for them. Here's how to break in.
by Scott Noble
Good Timing
Find pitch-perfect hooks for articles on virtually any topic by targeting anniversaries.
by Don Vaughan
Writing the How-to Article
Service articles are great ways to share with readers your knowledge on a specific subject. Use these 10 tips to learn “how to" do just that.
by Zachary Petit
The Freelancer's Guide to Avoiding Rewrites
Getting assignments right the first time is key to a successful freelance career. Here are 10 ways to satisfy editors from the jump-start.
by Roger Morris
Your Persona on the Page
Make personal essays uniquely your own with these easy-to-follow tips.
by Dinty W. Moore
PLUS: Personal Essay Worksheets
Based on a True Story
Learn how to borrow tools from fiction to craft a true-to-life memoir that reads like a page-turning novel.
by Elizabeth Sims
PLUS: Memoir Worksheets
From Family History to Memoir
If you've been researching your family's history, but aren't sure where to go from there, take heart. These 5 techniques will help you use your findings to bring your family's story (and your own) to life on the page.
by Rebecca McClanahan
The Way of the Artist
Alcoholism. A turbulent Hollywood marriage. Writer's Block. For Julia Cameron, the path of the writer has never been a walk in the park.
by Zachary Petit
The Centenarian's Secret
A freelancer discovers the power of writing by uncovering a hidden gem from an older source.
by Diane Speare Triant