Magical Worlds, Imaginative Realities, and Worldbuilding in Short Fiction
Body, Mind, and Soul: Depth in Your Storytelling
The 3 Keys to Successful Portal Fantasies
Writing Poetry in Response to Current Events
The First 100 Pages: How to Get a Book Up and Breathing
Everything I Wish I’d Known Before Writing the Book
Things That Make or Break a Romance Novel
Humor Your Readers Can Visualize: How to Make Writing Funnier
Anatomy of a Compelling (and Effective) Story
Propelling Narratives Forward: The Dynamics of Engaging Storytelling
Top Ten Mistakes Authors Make When Writing Stories
Finding the Story in Moments of Helplessness
The Art of Restraint in Exposition
Kick the Imposter to the Curb: The Benefits of Allowing Who You Are as a Writer to Reflect Who You Are as a Person
Write a Smashing Ending: How to Leverage Your Beginning and Middle to Craft the Perfect Finale
Keeping the Promise: 10 Unwritten Promises Readers Expect You to Keep
Laugh Yourself to Death: Mixing Humor With Darker Topics Like Murder and Suspense
When and How to Jettison History in a Historical Novel
Lessons Learned After a Decade of Writing Science Fiction and Fantasy
Writing in Short Forms
Writing Poems That Are Interesting and Accessible
Mixed Media: How Music, Newspapers, and Art Can Spark and Structure Compelling Short Fiction
The Art of Retelling Existing Short Fiction
The Unexpected: Irony and the Short Story