2024 Magazine Issues Bundle
In the year 2024, Writer's Digest has been hard at work bringing you the best in news, resources, and advice for writers and members of the publishing community. Cover interviews include award-winning authors Michael Cunningham, Tommy Orange, Alyssa Cole, Steven Rowley (also the WD Annual Conference Keynote), Jesse Q. Sutanto, and Vanessa Riley. In addition to articles on a broad range of writing subjects, you can find all your favorite recurring columns, such as Building Better Worlds, Agent Alcove, Meet the Agent, IndieLab, Breaking In, Level Up Your Writing (Life), and much more! With the 2024 Issue Bundle, you can save on a full year of Writer's Digest content!
Writer's Digest January/February 2024 Digital Edition
At the start of a new year, as writers rededicate themselves to their writing and publishing goals, we offer an issue full of ways to help them hook their readers.
+ WD Interview with Michael Cunningham: Best known for his 1998 Pulitzer Prize-winning novel, The Hours, Michael Cunningham spoke with WD about Day, his first novel in nearly 10 years. By Amy Jones
+ Writing Realistic Kids in Adult Fiction: WD Editor-at-Large Jessica Strawser shares nine tips for writing more authentic children characters. By Jessica Strawser
+ Thematic Writing: How to use symbols and allegory to add richness and depth to your writing. By Jane Cleland
Writer's Digest March/April 2024 Digital Edition
Whether fiction or narrative nonfiction, characters are a critical part of every story. But that doesn’t mean everyone agrees on how to create those characters or what a character needs to be in order to draw readers in. Do they need to be likable or is compelling enough? Should writers know their characters inside out, or just what’s going to be necessary for the story? In this issue of Writer’s Digest, writers will learn techniques for creating characters for novels, a series, memoir, and more.
Writer's Digest May/June 2024 Digital Edition
Conflict and emotion are at the heart of every story, fiction or nonfiction. In this issue, we cover topics ranging from how to present conflict and emotion differently based on age range or genre to how hot-button issues in the publishing industry affect writers (and how they can avoid those conflicts).
Writer's Digest July/August 2024 Digital Edition
Nature has always been a source of inspiration for writers, and here we mean nature in the broadest sense. From what we typically think of as nature (e.g. flowers and trees, animals and weather systems, etc.) to the nature of human nature, the July/August 2024 issue of Writer’s Digest aims to explore how writers can use nature as an influence on their work.
Writer's Digest September/October 2024 Digital Edition
One of the most magical things about writing is the wonder it can inspire. In this issue, we hope to celebrate the wonder of writing and how writing can evoke a sense of wonder in readers of all ages.
Features Include:
The Annual Agent Roundup: Consistently one of our most popular features, the Annual Agent Roundup showcases 20+ literary agents who are open to submissions along with their preferences and details for how writers can query them. By Amy Jones
The WD Interview: Jesse Q. Sutanto: The bestselling author of the Dial A for Aunties series sat down with WD to talk about her August 2024 suspense novel, You’ll Never Be Me. By Amy Jones
Writer's Digest November/December 2024 Digital Edition
As we approach the holiday season, it’s time to focus on the things that bring comfort. For writers, that means finding ways to cozy up and write or take comfort in a good book. In this issue, writers will find articles on everything from writing cozy mysteries and holiday romances to how to use your comfort reads to improve your writing and the charming Icelandic Christmas Eve tradition of book giving.