The Principles of Plotting a Young Adult Novel
The plot of your book is the underlying structure of its story,the specific events, and the order of those events, that create the novel's emotional effects. But how do you know if you're choosing the right events for your story, setting them in the right order, and achieving the effects you have in mind? Editor Cheryl Klein guides you through the principles that underlie most YA narrative plotting,a framework on which you can build all sorts of variations,and suggests tips and exercises to craft an exciting and emotionally compelling storyline.
Cheryl B. Klein is the author of The Magic Words: Writing Great Books for Children and Young Adults and the editorial director at Lee and Low Books. Prior to her work at Lee and Low, she spent sixteen years at Arthur A. Levine Books/Scholastic, where she published a wide array of acclaimed titles for children, teenagers, and discerning adults, and served as the continuity editor for the last two books of the Harry Potter series. She lives in Brooklyn, New York, and can be found online at www.cherylklein.com and on Twitter as @chavelaque.