Talking the Talk: Writing Remarkable Dialogue
Dialogue is more than your characters speaking. Remarkable dialogue also incorporates tags, beats, nonresponses, reactions, body language, and more. Every piece of dialogue must reveal something about the character or push the story line forward, or both. No dead air. Learn how to make readers want to be in the story and crave the story to advance to the speaking parts. Learn how dialogue is the heart of a story, regardless how good the plot.
C. Hope Clark publishes award-winning mysteries with Bell Bridge Books in two series,The Carolina Slade Mysteries and The Edisto Island Mysteries. Her eighth release comes out in early 2018, and her ninth by the end of the same year. She's written a dialogue column for Southern Writers Magazine for over two years and admits dialogue is her favorite part to write. When she isn't writing mysteries, however, Hope is editor of FundsForWriters newsletters, reaching 35,000 writers each Friday. FundsForWriters.com has been selected for Writer's Digest's 101 Best Websites for Writers for the past 17 years.
Learn more at www.chopeclark.com and www.fundsforwriters.com.