Writer's Digest May/June2013 (PDF)
Your Guide to Pain-Free Revision
The 5 Biggest Fiction Writing Mistakes + How to Fix Them
Start your revision by addressing these, and you'll immediately change your story for the better.
by James Scott Bell
Clearing Out the Clutter
Most manuscripts start out a little messy. Try these thoughtful approaches to polishing your prose
by David Corbett
10 Things Your Freelance Editor Might Not Tell You,But Should
Thinking of hiring an editor before you submit or self-publish? Here's how to get the most for your money
by Tanya Egan Gibson
The Freelance Writer's Guide to Avoiding Revisions & Rewrites
Getting assignments right the first time is key to a successful freelance career. Here are 10 ways to satisfy editors from the start
by Roger Morris
The WD Interview: Hugh Howey
It's not just an amazing success story, it's a new precedent for authors everywhere: Thanks to Hugh Howey, you don't have to choose between the allure of self-publishing and your dreams of big book deals. You can have both.
by Rachel Randall
101 Best Websites for Writers
Our 15th annual list, culled from thousands of reader nominations, offers a wealth of resources for writers of all types.
by Tiffany Luckey, with Ophelia Thomas
A Knockout Story
The champion of the annual WD Popular Fiction Awards scored a big win with the boxing tale “Forfeit."
by Marielle Murphy
WRITER'S WORKBOOK: Dialect & Slang
Living The Language: Writing Authentic Dialectby Tom Chiarella
Breaking Bad: Using Profanity And Other Raw Talk In Your Fiction
by Elizabeth Sims
No Reservations
Personal writing might feel too private to publish,but documenting your low points can rocket your byline to the top.
by Susan Shapiro
- Questions & Quandaries: Splitting Infinitives
- Check, Please
- 5-Minute Memoir: True Fiction
- Top Shelf
- Poetic Asides: Rondel
MEET THE AGENT: Michael Bourret, Dystel & Goderich Literary Management
by Kara Gebhart Uhl
BREAKING IN: Debut Author Spotlight
by Chuck Sambuchino
FUNNY YOU SHOULD ASK: Querying by Calendar; Defining Historical Fiction; When to Throw in the Towel
by Barbara Poelle
YOUR STORY: First Things First, Contest #46
STANDOUT MARKETS: Apex Magazine; Mother Jones; Soft Skull Press
by Tiffany Luckey
CONFERENCE SCENE: Clarksville, Tenn.; Teen Writers; The Writers' League of Texas
by Linda Formichelli
REJECT A HIT: Burning Down My Masters' House by Jayson Blair
Spoof-Rejected By Marc Allan