21st Century Screenwriting: Content Content for Various Platforms OnDemand Webinar
You may have heard or read about terms like these; Over-the-Top TV, Second Screen, TV Everywhere, Live Streaming, Binge Watching, and Content Discovery, to name just a few new content definitions within the world of multi-platform writing. As a writer writing for 21st century audiences-audiences with short attention spans and multiple devices on hand, you need to know how to effectively capture not only their attention but their time also. Gone are the days where writers are writing just a feature film script or TV bible. In order to compete within the current marketplace, you must visualize your content across all platforms, on all screens.
This webinar addresses the basic steps you need to take to assure your idea travels within these platforms with consistency and ease. Consumers have so many options and so many ways to consume your material, why not learn how to do it right?
Certain genres excel between various platforms and others fall flat. Assure that your content resonates on every platform-so often writers set out to write content that will reach first, second and mobile screens-yet they fall short within one or two levels leaving their projects in limbo along the way. There is often a generational gap among consumers and writers need to be aware of this aspect also. This webinar arms you with information about how to research your content's strength, how to assure that you're resonating on all levels, and information about past and current examples within this new arena. You'll come away with a new awareness of this 21st Century world of media we now create and consume 24/7.
Laurie has worked in network, production company, agency, and studio development departments working her way up from secretary to reader to story analyst to V.P. of Programming. She has also been a buyer for broadcast and cable networks, syndication companies, and she has created content for network websites. She knows how material is evaluated behind the scenes based on her vast knowledge of the past, current, and near-future marketplace. She has also submitted projects personally and can speak from both sides of the development process-first as a D-girl and secondly as a professional writer herself. As a writer, she has ghostwritten numerous screenplays and she has written scripts for video games. She has adapted content from longform projects to be distributed via mobile screens, apps, and within webseries. She is also a book author.
- How to create material that has a competitive edge in the multi-platform marketplace.
- How to assure said material is consistent throughout every level and screen.
- How to assure your content is quality-driven and doesn't lose any translation from one platform to the next.
- How the importance of metadata and niche programming plays into this scenario.
- Understanding who is really watching what and when.
- How to research, discover, and maintain information about the current state of this ever-changing transmedia world
- How to anticipate what the future Comcast/NBC/Charter universe will want to acquire as far as content, as all other media conglomerates will be following in those footsteps.
- The importance of answering the right questions within this war-like environment of old school networks vs. streaming platforms like Netflix and Amazon.
- We'll look at a few successful case studies of content that has traveled well within the TV Everywhere universe.
- Writers who are looking to submit their work to potential buyers within any level of this multi-platform universe
- Writers who have received one-too-many rejections within just one of these platforms
- Writers who feel they want to give up getting their work produced because these multi-platform levels and screens are too overwhelming
- Writers who want to speak directly to their fans with their content
- Writers looking for resources to sell their content
- Writers wanting to improve their writing overall based on the understanding of what consumers within a transmedia universe are looking for
- Writers who want to assure they are writing and submitting authentic material that doesn't lose its meaning when viewed in various platforms