How to Leverage Your Blog Content Into a Successful Book
Today more bloggers are landing book deals and having books released than ever before. Agents and acquisition editors continue to scour the Internet looking for blogs to turn into books because they want to find projects that are as close to a "sure thing" as possible. A blog with an established readership and a blogger with a built-in fan base or platform represents a successfully test-marketed book idea. This conference audio session will touch on how to turn a blog into a book, how to blog about your book, and why a successful blog ensures a successful book.
Nina Amir, the bestselling author of How to Blog a Book and The Author Training Manual, both from Writer's Digest Books, is a speaker, a blogger, and an author, book, and blog-to-book coach. She helps creative people combine their passion and purpose so they move from idea to inspired action and positively and meaningfully impact the world. Some of Nina's clients have sold 300,000+ copies of their books, landed deals with major publishing houses and created thriving businesses around their work. She is the founder of National Nonfiction Writing Month (aka the Write Nonfiction in November Challenge), as well as National Book Blogging Month and the Nonfiction Writers' University.