The Great Paradox of Creativity: Break Through the Biggest Block of All
The Great Paradox of Creativity: Break Through the Biggest Block of All
Get your inner writer out and working for you. With just a 15-minute investment of your time, you'll become more aware of how to liberate your creative voice, even while under the pressure of editorial constraints or notes from producers and publishers.
This tutorial is taught by Dave Trottier. Dave Trottier is the author of four books, including The Screenwriter's Bible (nearly 300,000 sold) and The Freelance Writer's Bible, and has published hundreds of articles and stories in national publications. In addition, he has sold or optioned ten screenplays (three produced) and helped hundreds of writers break into the writing business. He is an award-winning teacher, in-demand script consultant, and friendly host of KeepWriting.com.
Have blocks? Have fears? This tutorial presents quick, simple strategies to break through. Questions answered in this 15-minute tutorial:
- How do you convert blocks into stepping stones?
- What is the great paradox of creativity, and why is it good for you?
- What have studies shown to be the state of mind most conducive for creativity?
- What are the most common fears writers have, and how are they hushed?
- Why should you not try to be like Hemingway (or other famous writer)?
- What do the Sistine Chapel and the movie Psycho have in common?
Break through the biggest block of all and learn why writing should be fun!