Writing and Selling a Stand Out Middle Grade Novel OnDemand Webinar
- You're a writer who is diving in for the first time
- You're a writer who has written Middle Grade, but struggles to get noticed with it
- You're a writer who is experimenting with Middle Grade after writing for other audiences
- You're a writer in the midst of the Middle Grade struggling with plot and story
- You're a writer struggling to find their Middle Grade Voice
Middle Grade fiction has experienced rapid growth among publishers and readers in the last few years and it seems Publishers are often on the hunt for the next break?out middle grade novel! But stand out Middle Grade novels are not the easiest to write.
From finding the voice to generating a strong hook, to understanding the high?concept or the literary, to plotting a novel for younger readers, writing a middle grade novel that stands out to agents and readers can be tricky, especially if you struggle with queries! What are Agents looking for? What's been done? How do you balance the fresh with the familiar? What mistakes should you avoid in a pitch letter?
In this presentation, literary agent Victoria Marini (The Irene Goodman Agency) talks about what Agents and Publishers are looking, how to distinguish the delightful from the derivative, ways to develop your middle grade voice, as well as tips and tricks to making your middle grade stand out in a query letter and pitfalls to avoid!
- What Publishers and Agents are hungry for in Middle Grade right now and what they've seen too much of
- How to develop your unique Middle Grade voice
- Ways to identify your particular brand of Middle Grade and polish it to stand out
- What makes a great Middle Grade “Hook"
- Tips & Tricks to plotting organically for younger protagonists
- Common mistakes to avoid in Middle Grade
- Pitfalls that will get your query letter passed over
- Ways to strengthen your Middle Grade query
Victoria Marini is an agent with the Irene Goodman Agency where she represents a wide variety of fiction and narrative non-fiction for readers of all agents. She is interested in both Literary and Commercial Middle-Grade, Young Adult and Adult fiction. From contemporary to magical realism to sci-fi/fantasy and dramatic suspense, she is always looking for unforgettable off-the-page characters, compulsive stories, and unique voices. She is a sucker for weirdness, atmosphere, secrets, things that go bump in the night, a bit of whimsy, a twist of magic, or a dash of humor.
NOTE: Writer's Digest does not offer refunds for OnDemand Webinars. All sales are final. OnDemand Webinars do NOT include a critique.