Everything I Wish I’d Known Before Writing the Book
From writing to querying to publishing, the path of a debut author is full of surprises—both good and bad. Debut author Nathan Makaryk recounts his own many mistakes learned along the way, and lessons any aspiring author should take to heart before even setting finger to keyboard. He’ll share the “things nobody tells you” about getting published, and how the reality of getting the book contract compares to expectations.
Nathan Makaryk is the author of the historical epics Nottingham (Semifinalist for Best Historical Fiction | Goodreads Choice Awards) and Lionhearts (coming September 2020), published by Tor/Forge. He is a playwright, theater-owner, director, stage combat choreographer, and comedian living in Southern California. His first book is based on his play The Legend of Robin Hood. He is quite bad at everything else not mentioned above.