Pitch Perfect: How to Pitch Your Fiction to an Agent or Editor
Pitch Perfect: How to Pitch Your Fiction to an Agent or Editor
This "Pitch Perfect" tutorial breaks down everything that should go into pitching your novel (or memoir) to agents and editors. While writing a story is never easy, composing an effective pitch for your query letter sometimes proves just as challenging. You've got to break your story down to 3-10 compelling sentences, identifying your main characters and core conflict. But is your pitch too general? Are you giving away too much at the end? Are you selling your story short? These are the types of questions that the "Pitch Perfect" tutorial addresses.
This tutorial is taught by Chuck Sambuchino. Chuck is an editor and a writer. He works for Writer's Digest Books and edits two annual resource guides,the Guide to Literary Agents and the Children's Writer's & Illustrator's Market. Chuck's first humor book, How to Survive a Garden Gnome Attack (gnomeattack.com), was released in 2010 and has been featured by Reader's Digest, USA Today, the New York Times and AOL News. His second humor book, Red Dog / Blue Dog: When Pooches Get Political (July 2012) has been featured by Political Wire and the Huffington Post. His Guide to Literary Agents Blog (guidetoliteraryagents.com/blog) is one of the biggest blogs in publishing. In addition, Chuck has written two other writing-related titles, is a freelance editor, and was recently included in a FORBES Top 10 list of "Social Media Influencers: Book Publishing."
In this 28-minute tutorial video, you'll learn:
- The 6 must-have elements to any story pitch
- How to spot the difference between specific elements that will help your pitch and generalities that will sink it
- The proper length of a pitch
- Additionally, you'll get to see both successful and unsuccessful examples of pitches
You've written a great book,and now it's time to pitch to agents and editors. Make sure you compose a compelling pitch so agents request to read your work. This tutorial will give you the knowledge you need to get your foot in the door.