How to Hook an Agent: Queries and Beyond!
Querying can be a thrilling experience. From the first day you send out your first batch of queries, to your first requests, to some valuable feedback, and then to finally a match made! No matter what you've experienced, your goal is to hook a fantastic agent who adores your project, and someone who will work hard for you and fight for your special place in the literary market. In this OnDemand Webinar, Katie Shea Boutillier explores exactly what agents are looking for in clients; from the query letter, to the book concept, to the author's brand, and to overall career expectations/goals.
Katie Shea Boutillier joined the Donald Maass Literary Agency in 2011. She is the agency’s Rights Director handling translation, audio, and selected film/TV rights. In addition, Katie focuses on commercial adult fiction and young adult fiction. She is always on the hunt for upmarket women’s fiction, psychological suspense and has a soft spot for coming-of-age young adult fiction. She loves books that present big hooks, imperfect characters, and strong voices. Katie is committed to help achieve her clients’ long-term career goals. You can follow her on Twitter: @AgentShea
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