Craft & Inspiration Bundle
Where does your inspiration come from? And how should you best apply it? This bundle contains resources that will help you craft a story that resonates with your audience. Learn the pros and cons to "plotting" your content verses flying by the seat of your pants. Get new perspectives on revolutionizing your writing routine, persevering through rejection, and empowering yourself. Create characters that jump off the page, characters that feel like real, breathing people. You'll walk away with a bucket-load of information, handouts, and resources, so that you can cross "becoming an author" off of your bucket list.
Take Off Your Pants and Write!
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There are some writers who are content to make it up as they go - flying by the seat of their pants, as it were. Other writers need a more tangible plot outline crafted in advance, one which they follow closely as they write. Novelist Jeffrey Somers shows how each method works, how to overcome each method's weaknesses, and how to determine which method is the right one for you.
10 Essential Writing Lessons from 10 Years of Interviewing Bestsellers
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This session distills 10 years of collected wisdom into the 10 all-time best insights into the creative process, the writing life, the craft of writing and the business of publishing. Get new perspectives on revolutionizing your writing routine, following the path of your story, revising with the right mindset, persevering through rejection, and empowering yourself.
Getting Intimate with Your Characters
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Those books you can't put down until your eyelids are sandy and your brain is buzzing at two a.m.-what makes them compelling? Unforgettable, singular characters. In this workshop, author Jordan Rosenfeld will discuss key character cues and the emotional layers of each point of view for masterful character development.
From Storytelling Mire to Page-Turning Momentum
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In this invaluable session, author and writing coach Annalisa Parent will walk you through a straightforward system for plotting your fiction to ensure that your readers keep turn pages until The End.
Creating Dynamic Characters that Come to Life
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How can you create characters that jump off the page, characters that feel like real, breathing people? Novelist Brenda Janowitz will discuss where to find inspiration for your characters, how to make your characters feel authentic, and how to present your characters in your narrative.