Propelling Narratives Forward: The Dynamics of Engaging Storytelling
Dive into the art of propulsive storytelling, where narratives are crafted with a compelling momentum that keeps readers irresistibly hooked from start to finish. In this OnDemand webinar, Jennifer Givhan explores the balance between rich details and driving action, ensuring immersive worldbuilding while urging readers to turn the page. Discover techniques that help create characters who drive the action with an internal engine, while seamlessly integrating emotional and thematic impact. Whether you’re a seasoned writer or just starting your literary journey, this exploration of propulsive storytelling will provide the tools and inspiration to elevate your craft and help you weave tales that resonate, captivate, and most importantly, propel forward.
Jennifer Givhan, a Mexican-American writer and activist from the Southwestern desert, is the author of four full-length poetry collections, most recently Rosa’s Einstein (Camino Del Sol Poetry Series), two chapbooks, and the novels Trinity Sight and Jubilee (Blackstone Publishing). Her work has appeared in The Best of the Net, Best New Poets, Poetry Daily, Verse Daily, POETRY Magazine, The Rumpus, The New Republic, AGNI, TriQuarterly, The Nation, Crazyhorse, Witness, Southern Humanities Review, and Kenyon Review. She has received, among other honors, a National Endowment for the Arts fellowship, a PEN/Rosenthal Emerging Voices fellowship, and New Ohio Review’s Poetry Prize, chosen by Tyehimba Jess. Givhan holds a Master’s degree in English from California State University Fullerton and an MFA from Warren Wilson College, and she can be found discussing feminist motherhood at jennifergivhan.com as well as Facebook & Twitter @JennGivhan and Ig @thebrujapoeta.