Writer's Workbook 2014
Writer's Digest presents:
Essentials of the Craft
Practical Tips for Every Writer Whether you write at night or in the wee hours of the morning, these simple methods will help you stay motivated, on task and creative. by Joseph Bates
Starting Points Short on ideas? Try these 50 story-building prompts designed to stimulate every part of your brain. by The Writer's Digest Staff
Know Your Place The best fiction and nonfiction writers alike know the importance of a powerful setting in a story. Set the scene with these 7 smart tips by Jacob M. Appel
Make Every Word Count Tighten up your prose with these tips and exercises. by Stephen Wilbers
Grammar Construction Solid syntax and sentence structure separate the pros from the rest. Get your grammar in check with these skill-building exercises. by Anne Stilman
Your Self-Editing Guide Customize your approach to revision with these 4 simple tricks. by Sage Cohen
Online Workshops for Every Writer Looking for more intimate guidance to help you improve your work? Get schooled with these workshops that offer specialized instruction, all from the comfort of home. by Priyanka Mehta
Elements of Fiction
Point-by-Point Plot One story structure,the Hero's Adventure,rules them all, according to literary history. Take a closer look at the basic parts of the most popular plotline. by Elizabeth Sims
Map it Out A story map can help you take your story to the finish line,whether you're starting from the beginning or lost somewhere in the middle. by Nancy Ellen Dodd
The Mechanics of Dialogue From basic formatting to the rules of speaker attribution, this is your go-to guide to writing character conversations without confusion. by Jeff Gerke
Write the Ultimate Book Club Book Include these elements in your story, and you'll increase your odds of reaching vast networks of loyal readers. by Barbara O'Neal
Humor Me Find the funny in your fiction with these helpful techniques by Elizabeth Sims
Stuck in the Middle A mid-draft slump is often nothing more than a symptom of a weak support beam somewhere in your story. Run these simple diagnostics, and you'll be standing strong again in no time. by Larry Brooks
Tackling the Tough Spots In any story, there are bound to be incongruities and continuity problems. Find out how to smooth over those prickly plot points with these tips and troubleshooting charts. by Steven James
Make Your Novel Sing Get too focused on any one instrument at play in your story, and you may lose sight of the harmony inherent in truly great fiction. Here's how to compose the elements of your novel into a symphony. by Elizabeth Sims
Your Revision Checklist Use this detailed guide to refine your plot, character, pacing and other key story elements. by Josip Novakovich
Chris Bohjalian: Writing the World He set out with an insatiable passion for the craft and the goal to never write the same book twice. He ended up with a writing career that reads a lot like a novel. by Jessica Strawser
Nonfiction Techniques
Sources, Resources & Research Journalists, authors and essayists alike need solid fact-finding skills. Here's how to tighten up your truth-digging techniques. by The Editors of Writer's Digest Books
Finding Your Story's Angle The right angle can make or break an article. Use these techniques to ace every assignment. by Naveed Saleh
Writing Feature Articles That Sell Put these approaches into practice, and you'll keep editors coming back for more. by Scott Atkinson
True Story Elements such as character, conflict and voice aren't just for fiction. Put them to work in your article, essay or memoir, and connect with readers where it counts. by Philip Gerard
Writing the Reader-Friendly Essay Use these tips to add perspective and interest to your tales from real life. by Dinty W. Moore
Humor Techniques: Realism & Exaggeration Learn how to incorporate comedy in your nonfiction with these helpful tips. by Mel Helitzer, with Mark Shatz
How to Craft Magazine-Article Queries Knowing how to write a good pitch is as important as knowing how to deliver a solid article. Before you query, read this. by Chuck Sambuchino
Check Yourself This handy guide will help you easily and effectively present accurate facts to your readers. by Naveed Saleh
David Sedaris: The Naked Truth Write relentlessly, until you find your voice. Then, use it. This and other serious advice from one of the funniest writers around. by Jessica Strawser
End Notes
5-Minute Memoir: Out of the Mouths of Babes A writer finds the absolute truth about her middle-grade novel from an unlikely critic: her 14-year-old niece. by Kathleen M. Jacobs