Writer's Digest September 2019 Digital Edition
In the September 2019 Writer's Digest, themed “The Big Idea," we'll help writers find ideas, create better plots, and more. This issue's articles include:
+ The Too Long and Short of It: Writing more than you could possibly ever use is one of the best writing problems to have. The trick is figuring out what to cut and what to keep,this guide shows how. By David Corbett
+ Plotting Your Way: As a new novelist, it is easy to become overwhelmed with the smorgasbord of possible plot devices. Getting unstuck means finding the right outlining style to fit your personality. By Elizabeth Sims
+ Becoming a Multigenre Master: A children's book author, novelist, short story author, and screenwriter walk into a bar. It's not a joke, it's one writer's day. Here's how Simon Van Booy manages his workflow. By Simon Van Booy
+ Subplots Aren't Secondary: While the main plot serves as your story's skeleton, subplots add muscle to the body. Explore the various types of subplots, the roles each can play and how to keep them moving in harmony. By Jane Cleland
In addition, readers will be treated to a WD Interview with bestselling author and WDC 19 central keynote Karin Slaughter, as well as a special Writer's Workbook on poetic thinking, and an interview with writer Sarah Broom. This issue also contains all the regular columns and departments readers know and love like Take 2 on screenwriting, IndieLab for self-published authors, Conference Scene, Meet the Agent, and more.