Writer's Digest November/December 2017 Digital Edition
Writer's Digest, November/December 2017, Volume 97, No. 8
"The DIY Issue" of Writer's Digest is an innovative guide to single-handedly taking charge of your writing life and publishing path,whether you're making a move to full-time freelance writing, producing and distributing your own ebooks or audiobooks, or crowdsourcing your next project.
In our DIY issue, you'll:
- learn smart, simple ways to sell more ebooks in a crowded market
- find out why audiobooks are the next big thing, and how to create and distribute your own
- get inspired by "Digital Nomads" who are taking their writing on the road,and share their secrets for reinventing your own freelance life
- discover how Kickstarter could boost your income AND your audience for your next project
- meet the winners of the Writer's Digest Annual Writing Competition, and see how entering a contest can unlock exciting new opportunities.
PLUS: A special 7-page Writer's Workbook helps you write better suspense in ANY genre, and our exclusive WD Interview features actor turned bestselling author Alan Alda.
Kickstart Your Book Who says you have to publish first and find an audience second? Learn how,and why,you might successfully crowd fund your next project. by Lucy A. Snyder
Writing Wanderlust Writers can work from just about anywhere, so why not work from everywhere? Meet some “digital nomads" who are making a living while exploring the world,and find out how you could become one of them. by Grace Dobush
All About Audiobooks Indie and traditional authors alike have plenty of options when it comes to this fast-growing market. Take a listen. by Kerrie Flangan
Turbocharge Your ebook Marketing An expert shares 7 pro tips to help you sell more, faster. by Mark Coker
What a Coincidence A well-timed coincidence can catapult a story forward, but a poorly planned one can bring your readers to a dead stop. Use these 7 strategies to harness the power of this storytelling tool while steering clear of common missteps. by Steven James
The WD Interview: Alan Alda A master of delivery both in writing and in person, the long-respected actor, bestselling author and thought leader shares lessons learned in a lifetime devoted to information and entertainment. by Karen Corinne Herceg
Look Who's Talking The winner of the 86th Annual Writer's Digest Writing Competition demonstrates the dynamic potential of dialogue in creating compelling characters. PLUS: The complete winners lists for all 9 categories. by Karen Krumpak
WRITER'S WORKBOOK: Building Suspense
Clues, Red Herrings & Misdirection by Hallie Ephron
Adding Surprise,Sparingly by Jane K. Cleland
Hair of the Dog Pouring yourself into a book can be so intense that finishing induces a creative hangover. Here's how 6 authors wind down,and gear up again. by Libby Cudmore
- 5-Minute Memoir: Tuesdays with Flannery
- Poetic Asides: Clogyrnach
- Street View
- The Unbearable Lightness of Creativity
- Worth a Thousand Words
MEET THE AGENT: Christopher Rhodes, The Stuart Agency. by Kara Gebhart Uhl
BREAKING IN: Debut author spotlight. by Baihley Grandison
FUNNY YOU SHOULD ASK: Tokens of Appreciation; Fighting Back Cynicism. by Barbara Poelle
YOUR STORY First Things First, Contest #82
STANDOUT MARKETS: Berrett-Koehler Publishers; Verily, Discover, Fourth Genre. by Tyler Moss
CONFERENCE SCENE: New Worlds, New Voices; ShowMe Writers Masterclass; Write in the Harbor. by Don Vaughan