Writing and Querying the Romance Novel OnDemand Webinar
- Writers who have already written a romance novel and are researching publication
- Writers looking for a literary agent for their romance novel
- Anyone curious about how a literary agent chooses romance novels for representation
- Writers wanting to learn how to write an attention-grabbing query letter
- Writers with a complete romance novel ready to submit to an agent or editor
Romance novels represent a profitable, exciting and artistic field of publishing. Readers are voracious, publishing houses are acquiring and authors are making money. Yet, writing a romance novel can be intimidating and pursuing publication even more so.
Sara represents New York Times and USA Today bestselling romance authors and discusses the objective and subjective elements of writing these books as well as the specific steps an author can take to pursue publication.
Sara also goes into depth about the importance of your query letter. Your query letter is the business tool used to introduce your novel to agents and editors. A compelling and professional query decreases rejections. Agents pluck manuscripts out of the slush pile by reading query letters and identifying those that demonstrate superior craft. Many authors say writing queries is harder than writing novels. Relax and learn simple, clear steps for nailing your query letter!
Learn the specific points agents and editors are looking for in a romance query. The meat of any compelling query letter is the pitch paragraph and you have the opportunity to watch as Sara digs into the ins and outs of a pitch. In addition, Sara discusses genre and bio and outlines success tips for what to do once the query is ready. Leap out of the slush pile! Over 95% of Sara Megibow's clients came directly from the query slush pile so sit back, take notes and have fun!
- How to review your own manuscript for the objective elements needed in a romance novel
- How important is craft in wooing readers
- Places to pick up hints as to agents' and editors' subjective preferences
- How to nail your genre clearly and powerfully
- How to reduce the who, what, where, when and why of your novel into a compelling, one paragraph pitch
- What's HOT and what's NOT in pitch paragraphs
- The important bits to list in your bio
- What to do with your query once it's polished
- Hints for sending queries strategically in order to decrease rejections
- Romance novel tools and tips
- Resources for where to go when you have more questions on queries
Sara Megibow is a Literary Agent at kt literary with 10 years experience in publishing. She represents New York Times, USA Today and international bestselling romance authors including Roni Loren, Ashlyn Macnamara, Tiffany Reisz and Juliana Stone. As an agent, she specializes in representing debut authors who write in these genres: middle grade, young adult, romance, science fiction and fantasy. Within the romance genre specifically, Sara represents absolutely all sub-genres of work including (but not limited to!) contemporary, fantasy, paranormal, historical, erotica, new adult, young adult, steampunk, science fiction, etc.