Critique Series: Your Very First Page (Novel & Memoir) OnDemand Webinar
Agents and editors agree: Improper story beginnings are the single biggest barrier to publication. Why? If you have a bad beginning, no one will keep reading. Does your manuscript grab a reader's attention at page one and never let them go? Find out in this session.
You will:- Get an insider's perspective on how editors and agents can tell right away whether your manuscript is worth further consideration.
- Avoid beginner mistakes that doom a manuscript from the first page.
- Experience in real time how an editor makes a decision to keep reading or not.
- Get a checklist for self-editing and revision that will improve your manuscript overnight.
Jane Friedman, Publisher & Editorial Director, Writer's Digest
Who should attend?
- Writers with a first draft ready for critique
- Writers who keep getting rejected after submitting their manuscript to an agent or editor
- Writers unsure if their first page is making a good impression
- Writers who want to learn more about what kind of a story beginning will impress an agent or editor
- Writers who suspect their first page may have some challenges (e.g., slow start, prologue, flashback, too much description)
OnDemand webinars do not include a critique.