Digestible World-building for Writers
The process of building a science fiction or fantasy world can sometimes feel overwhelming. Where do you begin? Where do you stop? In this OnDemand webinar, author Valerie Valdes presents her worldbuilding approaches, tips, and tricks to make your imaginary places feel real.
Valerie Valdes is co-editor of the award-winning Escape Pod science fiction podcast, as well as the author of the Chilling Effect trilogy and the forthcoming space fantasy novel Where Peace Is Lost. Her short fiction and poetry have appeared in Uncanny Magazine, Nightmare Magazine, and several anthologies. She is a graduate of the Viable Paradise workshop and has taught classes and given lectures for Clarion West and Georgia State University, among others. She has also served as a Municipal Liaison for National Novel Writing Month since 2006. She lives in an elaborate meme palace in Georgia with her husband, children, and cats.