How Writers Can Succeed in the Future of Digital Publishing OnDemand Webinar
No matter what type of a writer you are, you have to meet the future of publishing with eyes wide open. In this seminar, you'll get information on where the industry is headed in a time of digital revolution,and also learn ways for you to succeed and adapt no matter what the future holds.
What you'll learn:- Three potential "business models" for writers and authors to follow
- How to achieve greater visibility in your career
- How to be an attractive author for a publisher, editor, or agent
- Whether new online publishing options are a good option for you, when to use them, and how they can impact your success
- A good, working philosophy or approach for building readers and community over the webinar of your writing career
- Best resources to stay on top of changes, trends, and news that affects your future in the business
Jane Friedman is the publisher and leader of the Writer's Digest community, as well as a top-ranked blogger and author. As a member of the Digital Book World advisory board, she communicates with top thinkers in the today's media and publishing industry, and her company, F+W Media, was recently recognized as one of the top 40 innovators in the media industry.
Who should attend?
- Anyone trying to get published,from novelists to poets
- Established authors who are wondering how a digital future will change their careers
- Teachers and instructors of writing who want to know how industry changes will impact themselves and their students
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OnDemand webinars do not include a critique.