Querying: Take a Breath, You Got This
Nobody warns you that writing the query is a thousand times harder than writing the novel. In three hundred short words, you need to capture a literary agent’s attention, explain your novel’s main characters and plot, and summarize your own accolades . . . all while following strict guidelines and walking the tight-rope of confidence vs. arrogance vs. desperation. It can be enough to make many authors throw in the towel.
Bestselling author Nathan Makaryk’s own querying journey was long and full of mistakes. In this OnDemand webinar, he shares his experience with new authors. He discusses his own path to publication, and gives examples of common query pitfalls.
Nathan Makaryk is the bestselling author of historical epics NOTTINGHAM and LIONHEARTS, published by Tor/Forge and Penguin Random House Australia, as well as a few other projects he can’t talk about yet. He is also a playwright, comedian, and theater director living in Southern California.
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