THE DREADED 2nd ACT: How to Tame it OnDemand Webinar
History - The New "It" Genre? OnDemand Webinar
Writing Great Horror Film and TV OnDemand Webinar
Adapting Charlie Kaufman: The Eternal Brilliance of His Non-Linear Storytelling OnDemand Webinar
Story Structure Made Easy OnDemand Webinar
Find, Develop, and Write a Gripping CRIME Script OnDemand Webinar
Creating Original Series Ideas and Writing Spec Pilots OnDemand Webinar
Everything You Need to Know About Agents and Managers (and How to Get One) OnDemand Webinar
7 Common Blunders Screenwriters Make (and How to Avoid Them) OnDemand Webinar
Creating Compelling Emotional Conflict OnDemand Webinar
Developing Strong Dialogue in Your Screenplay OnDemand Webinar
The Essential Elements of Screenplay Structure: Get Your Story Straight OnDemand Webinar
Create an Emotional Connection through Characters and Story OnDemand Webinar
From Idea to Story to Screenplay OnDemand Webinar
What the Heck Are Executives Thinking? Looking at Your Script from the Exec's Point of View OnDemand Webinar
How to Format Your Screenplay like a Pro OnDemand Webinar
Make Your Film Narrative Pulse with Energy & Create a GREAT Read OnDemand Webinar
Writing Successful Loglines, Query Letters, and One-Sheets OnDemand Webinar
Writing Successful Sitcom Pilots OnDemand Webinar
What Makes a Great TV Idea? Learn What Hollywood Looks for in a TV Idea and Pilot Script OnDemand Webinar
PowerNetworking: Attaching Talent and Packaging Your Project OnDemand Webinar
Creating the Winning Series Premise OnDemand Webinar
Writing the Ten Best Story Types OnDemand Webinar
The Power of the Transformational Arc: Making stories more emotional, meaningful and marketable OnDemand Webinar