Get Published in 2023: Breaking In Resource Directory Digital Guide
Finding a literary agent and getting your book traditionally published can be a challenge and take time away from writing. There’s plenty of research involved and often extensive time spent creating and submitting queries. It can be a lot! This PDF, created by the Editors of Writer’s Digest, aims to help take some of the guesswork out of it.
The Get Published in 2023: Breaking In Resource Directory collects the resources you need to make 2023 the year your manuscript gets published. This 104-page guide features:
- 26 literary agents tell what they’re looking for, what they don’t want, and advice and details for how best to query them.
- 18 debut authors from 2022 share what they learned on their journey to publication.
- 60 sample elevator pitch examples to help you create the best hook for your book.
Plus, nine articles detailing common publishing-related issues like working with literary agents, BookTok, BookBub, submission guidelines and much more.
[This PDF includes articles previously published in 2022 issues of Writer’s Digest and on WritersDigest.com.]