The Foundations of a Killer Plot OnDemand Webinar
There are several elements required for crafting a strong, solid plot that will keep your readers coming back for more. You need a dynamic lead character with a realistic objective, and he must face interesting confrontation, with an opposition that is stronger than your lead, but still three-dimensional. These elements build to a knockout ending that leaves your readers breathless. Once you understand these elements, you'll be able to replicate that formula time and time again in your fiction. In this tutorial, you'll learn the structure and foundation necessary to create a killer plot for your fiction.
This tutorial is taught by James Scott Bell (jamesscottbell.com). Jim is the author of the mega-bestseller for writers, Plot & Structure, and numerous thrillers, including Deceived, Try Dying, Watch Your Back, and Romeo's Rules. His novella One More Lie was the first self-published work to be nominated for an International Thriller Writers Award. He served as the fiction columnist for Writer's Digest magazine and has written highly popular craft books for Writer's Digest Books, including Revision & Self-Editing, The Art of War for Writers, Conflict & Suspense, and Just Write. Jim taught at Pepperdine University and now appears at numerous conferences. He graduated with honors from the University of Southern California Law School, and has written over 300 articles and numerous books for the legal profession.
In this 30-minute video, you'll learn:
- The three different types of death your character can face (physical, professional, psychological)
- How to establish a strong lead that can create a bond with the reader
- The kinds of opposing characters that are most effective
- The importance of a knockout ending
- The significance of the three act structure, and how to apply it to your fiction
- The Doorways of No Return, which compel your readers to keep reading