Powerful Plotting
In this OnDemand webinar, Jordan Rosenfeld brings her experience as the author of six books on the craft of writing and three novels, to talk about how to conceive and execute your plot, regardless of whether you’re starting from the beginning or deep into revision. Jordan demystifies multiple types of plot structures, explores how to keep the stakes high and your plot pacing tight while keeping in mind turning points of character transformation, and how to break down your plot at the scene level.
Jordan Rosenfeld is author of the novels Women in Red, Forged in Grace, Night Oracle, and six books on the craft of writing, most recently How to Write a Page-Turner, the bestselling Make a Scene, Writing the Intimate Character, A Writer’s Guide to Persistence, Writing Deep Scenes and Write Free. Her freelance articles and essays have been published in hundreds of publications, including: The Atlantic, The New York Times, Scientific American, Writer’s Digest Magazine, The Washington Post and many more. She is also a freelance manuscript editor, writing coach and teaches online classes. Jordanrosenfeld.net and jordanwritelife@gmail.com
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