The Show Don't Tell Bundle
"Show", don't "tell", might be the single most common piece of advice authors of fiction both give and receive. But what does this actually mean, and how can you apply the concept to your writing? The differences are usually not so easily spelled out. This bundle is designed to break down the aspects of "showing" vs. "telling" so that you can create a convincing and believable world for your readers to explore. We've updated the WD Shop's classic "Show" Don't "Tell" bundle for 2023, to feature six all-new OnDemand webinars, in addition to two digital editions of Writer's Digest magazine.
How to Evoke Emotion in Every Scene OnDemand Webinar $79.99 value Emotion must be demonstrated, not told, to the reader, and there are many powerful tools to do so without falling back on narrative short-cuts or blunt expressions of feeling. In this OnDemand Webinar, Jordan Rosenfeld brings her experience as an author of six books on the craft of writing, and three novels, to discuss writing compelling characters and expressing emotion without relying on overt sentiment or melodrama. |
Write Deeper Characters: Creating Internal Conflict OnDemand Webinar $79.99 value Each individual is driven by a profound inner yearning that defines their dream of life. This core inner conflict, the drive to pursue the promise of life and an equal and opposite drive to minimize the pain of life, informs the character’s sense of lack at the outset of your story, which informs their need to act. In this OnDemand webinar, author David Corbett discusses how to conceive, create, and develop these counteracting forces. |
Visual Storytelling: How to Write Compelling and Visual Fiction OnDemand Webinar $79.99 value Want to write a story with scenes that keep the reader turning the pages? In this OnDemand webinar, Chris Mooney discusses the techniques used by screenwriters - techniques that can be used in fiction to create compelling scenes and characters. |
Emotion vs Feeling in Fiction OnDemand Webinar $79.99 value In the “real” world we often consider emotions and feelings much the same thing. In fiction, however, emotions and feelings relate to distinct experiences and evoke different reactions from readers. In this workshop, award-winning author and teacher David Corbett will guide participants on how to distinguish emotion from feeling, how to root each in character, how to reveal each on the page, and how to deepen the reader’s experience accordingly. |
Writer's Digest March/April 2022 Digital Edition $7.99 value Point of view is one of the first things writers learn about creative writing, yet it’s also one of the hardest things to master. This issue explores the many facets of POV, and also includes articles on how using beta readers can give writers a different point of view of their own work, best tips for interviewing from WD Editor-at-Large Tyler Moss, and debut novelist Amanda Jayatissa on how writing her sometimes unlikeable narrator in My Sweet Girl allowed her to see the world differently. |
Writer's Digest May/June 2021 Digital Edition $7.99 value The May/June 2021 issue of Writer's Digest aims to answer questions about topics that pique writers' curiosity and provide resources that will enable curiosity to be a force of inspiration for your work. Plus we explore the value of mentors and how to find one, and in honor of April Fool's Day, Mark Shatz (bestselling author of Comedy Writing Secrets) shares exercises for writing funny. |
Body, Mind, and Soul: Depth in Your Storytelling OnDemand Webinar $79.99 value In this OnDemand webinar, Richard Thomas discusses the different layers of an effective story; to entertain and keep the pages turning, through setting, sensory detail, and action (body), eventually working in an emotional core to go deeper (soul), followed by a unique concept that keeps your audience guessing and thinking, leading to a denouement and epiphany that stimulates the brain (mind). |
How to Write Great Characters for Great Stories OnDemand Webinar $79.99 value In this OnDemand webinar, you’ll discover the art of creating engaging characters that will hold your readers spellbound. Learn secrets of psychology and human nature to make your characters more three-dimensional and relatable. You’ll also learn how to draw on insights from relationships in your own life to make your characters jump off the page. This webinar will help you create characters that readers will remember forever. |