Attract A-List Talent: Writing for the Top Actors in the Industry OnDemand Webinar

Attract A-List Talent: Writing for the Top Actors in the Industry OnDemand Webinar

  • $79.00
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Actors Get Movies Made. If you want to sell your script, you've got to do more than just craft a great story. If you're going to get your movie made, you're going to need major star power behind it. Being successful as a writer means learning to write the kinds of characters that can make an A-list actor salivate, from the very first page.

Discover What The Best Actors Are Looking For. In this groundbreaking webinar with Award Winning Screenwriter Jacob Krueger, you'll learn what it takes to create the kind of characters that the best actors are looking for. You'll discover what actors are really searching for in a character, what an A-List actor is looking for when they read a script, and how you can use these expectations to your advantage. Craft the kinds of characters, dialogue and images that grab an actor and won't let go!

Take Advantage Of Your Make or Break Moment. A-list actors are making a decision about a role from the first moment that character appears on the page. Handle it right, and they're going to read your whole script. If you do one thing wrong, you've lost them forever. You'll learn how to make the most of that make or break moment, avoid the most common mistakes, and use the power of that first moment to make your entire screenplay better!

Get Your Script To The Right Actors. Learn how to target the actors most likely to fall in love with your writing, how to leverage the power of your own social network to connect to them, and how to pitch your script in a way that makes them pay attention.

Plus, you'll get a free one-on-one consultation with a professional writing coach, to help you integrate what you've learned with your own writing, and apply it to your own goals, so you can achieve the success you deserve.


  • The 10 essential Actor Attractors that every A-List Actor is looking for in a role
  • The five Big Mistakes emerging writers make when trying to attract an actor to their writing
  • Five Proven Methods for connecting to your characters, and turning your dialogue, action and images into actor candy
  • How to write for big-name actors, while still staying true to your own voice and your own instincts
  • A new approach to crafting structure, and taking your character on a journey so compelling that even the best actors will fight to play the role
  • How understanding the goals actors have for their careers can help you not only write the roles that attract them, but also become a better writer
  • How emerging writers can break through the walls of Hollywood, and get to the biggest stars, through the power of their own social network
  • Real world techniques for targeting the right actors for your script, and pitching your story to them in a way they can't resist
  • Life changing techniques to help you set your creative goals and make sure you achieve them, no matter how busy you are or how little time you have to write
  • How to apply these lessons to your own writing, through a free one-on-one consultation with a professional writing coach


  • Writers who want to sell their scripts, and know they need to attract major star talent to do so
  • Writers who want to understand what major stars are looking for, and ways to write characters that can attract the very best talent for their scripts
  • Writers who have had their screenplays rejected by a producer, actor or studio, and don't understand why
  • Writers who want to write amazing characters, and take them on incredibly compelling journeys
  • Writers who want to improve their craft, dialogue, action and images
  • Writers who want to be successful in the industry, while maintaining their voice and being true to their instincts
  • Writers who don't know how to break into Hollywood and need help getting momentum for their script
  • Writers who want to learn to pitch more effectively
  • Writers who feel cut off from their characters or lost in their story
  • Writers who long for a more successful career
  • Writers who would like to experience a one-on-one coaching session with a professional writing coach
  • Writers who would like to have the opportunity to have their own questions answered during the live webinar

The Writers Store does not offer any refunds for the webinar. All sales are final.

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