How to Make Sparks Fly: Learn Romantic Comedy From The Masters OnDemand Webinar
During this webinar we will deconstruct scenes from "Notting Hill," "Trainwreck," and "Silver Linings Playbook." We will see what they all have in common, what comedic "tricks of the trade" these screenwriters are using and how you can easily adopt these techniques in your own screenplays.
We will discover certain rules that work time and time again: always having an adversary that threatens the romance of your protagonists, how to use a "straight man" and a "funny man" and how to always inject physical humor into every great romantic relationship.
The webinar will be taught by Glenn M. Benest, award winning screenwriter and one of Los Angeles' most popular instructors of screenwriting workshops.
- What is at the heart of every romantic relationship
- How to set up funny, yet poignant scenes
- How to establish the "straight guy" and his or her opposite
- What is the difference between jokes and real heartfelt humor
- Why physical humor is so important in a romantic scene
- Screenwriters who have a strong, romantic plotline in their screenplay
- Writers who want to learn how construct deeper, romantic relationships in their comedies
- Screenwriters who want to learn proven tchniques from the masters of romantic comedy
- Screenwriters who want to grab an audience immediately with the establishment of great romantic relationships
- Writers who want to learn more about capturing the attention of producers, agents and buyers
- Writers who want to learn from the masters of the comedic trade